Shichida / “Right Brain” Flashcards & Home Practice Materials

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These are some tutorials and printables that we’ve created for our Shichida / “right brain” home practice. We respect others’ copyrights, so only materials without copyrighted images are shared here.


Before you start, you may wish to read these 2 important posts first:


Tip for printing large images: Export your completed slides (.ODP file) as PDF. For A5 (1/2 A4) flashcards, print the PDF file as 2 pages on 1 sheet.


  • Flashcards – Alphabet (109kb) – Small and capital letters A to Z, to sing with the ABC Song
  • Flashcards – Common English Words (1 – 100) – Join our mailing list to receive it
  • Flashcards – Words with Man & Men (636kb) – To demonstrate the correct pronunciation of words ending with “man” and “men”


Bahasa Malaysia

General Knowledge


Speed Reading / Audio Memory

Photographic Memory



More files to be uploaded in future.

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Last updated: 11 December 2020

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    39 thoughts on “Shichida / “Right Brain” Flashcards & Home Practice Materials”

    1. hi, mievee,

      thanks for the sharing this. i have being follow up your website recently. really helpful and resourceful. i glad that i found your website.

      you inspire me alot. thanks.

      would like to know what size of card you use? A4 or A5? thanks again

      1. mievee @

        Hi dayani, you’re most welcome and thank you for your kind words.
        For flashcards, I usually use A5.

        I use A4 for:
        – Mathematics dot cards (cos need to squeeze in 100 dots at the end)
        – famous paintings (to show the pictures clearly)
        – song images and lyrics

        A5 is easier to flash fast compared than A4.

        Hope this helps.

        P.S. I’m planning to do a Tutorial post on how to make flashcards.

        1. Dear mievee,
          Thanks for the reply.

          I will stay tuned for the tutorials before i start making the flash card.

          Thanks again 🙂

    2. Hi Mievee,

      May I check if the link to the sandpaper letters still available? I cant seem to find it.

      Thanks so much!:)

      1. mievee @

        Hi Lee Ying, my sandpaper letters pdf is from Karen Tyler’s Language Album, so not shared here. Only shared Chinese strokes and Numerals, which I created.

    3. Pingback: Shichida: Review & FAQs Answered

    4. Pingback: How to make Shichida flashcards

    5. Hi there, I stumbled upon your blog while looking for a paediatrician in kl. I have a one yr old, n we live in the uk. I want to introduce the shichida method in his upbringing but unfortunately I couldn’t find much info from it online. I m currently in kl for 3wks, and would like to buy some materials to bring back to uk so I can teach my little one. You mentioned worksheets on your blog, what are they n where can I get them? Would you mind if i give you a call to ask more? This can save me time with to n fro emails as I m not able to access Internet much during this coming 3wks. Please email me by return. Thanks.

    6. Pingback: Shichida | Singapore | Malaysia

    7. Hi Mievee, this website is most helpful. Are you able to share more albums from Montessori for math, english? I am using the tips from your website to get my dot started on numbers, alphabets. We already love to read togeher. Am trying to give more structure to what am doing with her. Any advise is most welcome.
      Best wishes and thanks.

    8. Hi Mievee, thank you for the kind reply. Do you have any tutorial or webpage for the Mathematic dots flash cards? I did not understand the gist / contents. Thanks in advance.

    9. Hi Mievee,
      I find a error on the 三字经, 4 地所生 line 11, 青赤黃,及黑白。you write 及白黑。

        1. Hello, great site!! Thank you for your resources! It’s very difficult to find something regarding Shichida method. I’ve learned this evening about him and his method so been searching and willing to do it with my baby and with my 6 year old boy.
          Can you tell me if the flashcard method and everything else can be made in the same way with my 6 years old or is too late for that and I have to make him something else?

          Also, I don’t get it about these flashcards….I’ve reed it has to be about 100 flashcards and can ‘t be repeated… so every day it has to be different set of 100 flashcards?

          Thank you for your time! Blessings

    10. Hi Mievee,

      As i know u are using Epson Ink Jet Printer, I just bought mine L210. Somehow i find the colour printing is faded in its colour tone. Wondering did u facing the same problem?

      Thank you.

      1. mievee @

        Hi Gillian, mine is L800, which is a photo-printer with more ink cartridges (6 versus 4), so printing on art card produces normal colours.

    11. Hi Gillian,
      I also just bought L210, when I direct print on the art card. The colour will faded, but I print on the a4 paper is ok!

      1. Hi Serena,

        My hubby pointed out the reason of getting faded is due to the art cards i used are matte finish type.

        So last night we tried to print photo on photo paper and surprisingly the outcome is good. Guess i need to buy some glossy type of art card and try again see will it be better.

        By the way, wondering if you print on normal paper, you cut and glue on art card?

        1. mievee @

          Hihi Gillian & Serena, I bought art cards with 1 glossy side and 1 normal side (texture is like paper). Now I’m wondering if matte is different from no-finish?

          When I printed on the glossy side, ink couldn’t be absorbed well and ran at the edges of each picture.
          When I printed on the paper-like side, it was ok.

          Yes, when printed on normal paper in the past, I cut (in bulk using paper trimmer) and glue on art card.

    12. Yes, I print on A4 paper cut & glue on the art card. My art card is glossy type, but when I print on the 3rd paper above it will faded too..

    13. Hi mummy..can you share with me if there’s any way to print the flashcard directly from printer in that exact size without having to do the cut n paste style since it’s time consuming?

      And where do I get the template or softcopy file to print these flash card? Do I have to design it myself or buy from a particular source?

      Apologies if these information are already shared by you and I missed it out..

      Thanks: )

      1. mievee @

        Hi Siti J, I’ve updated my method to printing directly. Here’s the blog post:

        As for soft copy files, you may print get some free by joining Mummy’s Homeschool’s mailing list.
        Some topical flashcards are downloadable here:
        Some math ones are purchasable at my store, .

        It’s always good to create some topical flashcards that your child loves. This would have maintain his interest in watching the entire set of cards. For my kids, they love cards on cars, buses, trains, etc. So I always have some of these in the week’s stack.

    14. Hi Mievee,
      I am a first time visitor to your site. I have heard a lot abt Schida method, but never attended any classes with my daughetr. Will you be able to guide me ? I am a bit confused after visitng your site. What is the best point to start for my 4.5 years old daugther ? Can I buy few of the general knowledge flashcards? I am ok to buy them as I dont have the time to make them. We know only english. (no chinese). Is there something else that you can suggest ? Any help in this regards will be highly appreciated.

      1. mievee @

        Hi Purti, yes, I’d be able to guide you. Please refer to email reply. Cheers, MieVee

    15. Hi Mie Vee,

      Thank you so much for providing all the useful tools and information for the general public. I am not sure if I it went through but I sent in a request last week to get a quote shipping quote to purchase the Shichida flash cards but have not heard from you. Let me know if you have gotten the request and is working on it or did it not go through?

      Also, I have a question on speed reading. How do you do it? I have a 11 month old and so far I have just been reading from books and showing her the pages very quickly but I am not sure if that is the right way to do it but she seems to be interested. Do you run your fingers through the words and point to pictures in the book? Or is that for older kids? I also have a 3 year old who loves books and constantly wants me to read to her.

      1. mievee @

        Hi Paula, apologies for the overdue reply. Int’l shipping is being stalled at the moment. I’m trying to engage help and get it going again.

        Speed reading: for a baby, I usually read at normal speed, talk about the story / pictures and fills his reactions. Then at high speed, with NO change of words or added comments. At high speed, it’s not necessary to point at words / pictures. Baby captures it like in flashcards.

        If baby loves it, feel free to keep repeating to his delight.

        For an older child, during the regular speed round, you may also point out phonetic sounds and answer his questions. Then move to high speed.

        Hope this helps and all the best!

    16. Hi MieVee,

      May I know shall I buy the double glossy size for the flash card or just single side will do? If using single side glossy art card, which side shall I stick the adhesive paper? Thank you!

      1. mievee @

        Hi Jazz, if you’re sticking paper on the card:
        – 1 glossy side: for sticking the paper
        – 2 glossy sides: the other side, you may use thick marker pen to write the word. I like to use marker pen on glossy side.

        If you’re printing (eventually):
        – need to test a sample on your printer. May not be able to print well on glossy side. If so, use paper-like surface.

        Hope this helps!

    17. Hello, some of the links are no longer working. Would you happen to have these files that you can share to me via email? it would be much appreciated! Thanks.

      This is for the Chinese Flashcards below:

      •Flashcards – Chinese Strokes 笔画 (190kb) – Covers 36 basic strokes. We use this with our Montessori Sandpaper Chinese Strokes.
      •Flashcards – 三字经 (1 to 7) (410kb, updated in June 2014) – Parts 1 to 7. We use this with 说说唱唱《三字经》published by warm372[dot]com, available at major Popular bookstores.
      •Flashcards – Chinese song 老鹰捉小鸡 (102kb) – Easy & fun activities covering flashcards, arranging word cards & word search game

      1. mievee @

        Thanks for the feedback, Larry. I’m real busy preparing for an upcoming workshop for parents that ends next Tue. Can I get back to you after that?

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