These are the printables I created for our Montessori homeschool (primary, 3-6 years old). I respect others’ copyrights, so only files without copyrighted images are shared here.
Language – Chinese
- Sandpaper Chinese Strokes (砂纸笔画) (107kb): Covers 36 basic strokes. Strokes in reverse, for making own Sandpaper Chinese Strokes. Red dot indicates which stroke to cut out. We use this with our Chinese Strokes Flashcards here.
- Chinese Nomenclature 3-Part Cards Numbers (一到十) (25kb): Match red dots to the corresponding number in Chinese.
- Chinese Radical 辶 (走字底): To read and remember characters with this radical (link to blog post)
- Festival: Dragon Boat Festival (端午节): To learn related vocabulary (link to blog post)
- Festival: Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节): To learn related vocabulary (link to blog post)
- Festival: Halloween (万圣节前夜): To learn related vocabulary (link to blog post)
Language – English
- Sandpaper Letters (48kb) (link to blog post)
- Sandpaper Letters – Capital (45kB) (link to blog post)
- Writing – Sound Patterns (A to Z) (47kb): For writing “rainbow” letters as in Karen Tyler’s album.
- Writing – Line Placement Board (link to blog post)
- Sandpaper Numerals (0 to 9) (27kb): Numerals in reverse, for making own Sandpaper Numerals.
- Writing – Numerals Patterns (0 to 9) (18kb): For writing “rainbow” numerals as in Karen Tyler’s album.
- Hundred Board (261kb): Idea from Karen Tyler’s album.
- We use this Hundred Board with 100 recycled milk carton caps (label each one with a number, using cut out stickers)
- Alternatively, use with Learning Resources Two-Color Counters, Set of 200
- Number Cards Large (30kb): Alternative for the wooden version. Print, laminate and cut 1 set. (Presentations: Refer to MontessoriAlbum wiki here)
- Number Cards Small (28kb): Alternative for the wooden version. Print, laminate and cut 3 sets. (Presentations: Refer to MontessoriAlbum wiki here)
- Golden Hundred Square and Golden Thousand Cube (link to blog post)
- Number & Words Card Game – 0 to 10,000 (link to blog post)
- Constructive Blue Triangles (49kb)
- Nomenclature 3-Part Cards – Template (Chinese text) (10kb): Blank template for customisation. I chose Magenta as the border for our homeschool’s Chinese cards. Feel free to change to another colour that isn’t used for other subjects (i.e. NOT yellow, red, blue, green, black)
- Nomenclature 3-Part Cards – Template (12kb): Blank template for customisation. Use a different coloured border for each subject. Sample Montessori Colour Code is included in the template for your reference.
- Individual Planning Sheet (82kb) (PDF) – Sample of what the file should look like. Refer to this post on how I use this recording tool.
- Individual Planning Sheet (138kb) (Mac, Pages)
- Individual Planning Sheet (9kb) (Word) – May need to edit the formatting
- Montessori – Contract Teacher Student Planning Sheet (11kb): Idea from Karen Tyler’s course. To let child plan his work for the day, to keep him focused. I print 2 pages on 1 sheet, then cut into A5 size. I attach this to a small clipboard for the child to tick off the list as he completes his planned work. Can be opened and edited with free OpenOffice software.
- Classroom Calendar (Date, Weather in English and Chinese) (766kb) – You may use this to introduce the date, day of the week and weather in different languages. Child may be invited to update the cards.
More files to be uploaded in future.
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Last updated: 9 July 2020
Pingback: [Math] Blending right brain & Montessori math
Hi Mie Vee, how do you use Montessori sandpaper numerals or alphabets?
Hi Celine, for Sandpaper Alphabets:
– clean hands
– optional: get a mat, put on table
– get Sandpaper Alphabets from shelf
– Show child 1 alphabet, say the sound. (Note that “x” is not initial sound, and is pronounced as “ks”)
– use index and middle finger to trace letter gently
– place on mat
– choose another 2-3 alphabets and repeat above
– return cards to box
– return box to shelf
– invite child to try
Sandpaper numerals are introduced similarly.
These materials are also used as references when the child is learning to read and write.
Hello mummy.. my 2.5yr old toddler goes to a Montessori school and I too, am a big fan of the Montessori method. I’m seriously considering taking up a course in MMI here in Singapore but it is so expensive! Can I know what Montessori online teaching course did you attend and if the certification is recognised?
Thank you so much for your help in advance =D
Hihi Yvonne, I took the course by Karen Tyler:
It’s suitable for teaching at home or a small group. To teach in a school, it depends on the country and school. The other online course I heard of is by NAMC.
Btw combining shichida method with the Montessori method is something quite refreshing to me. I have heard of the Shichida method but haven’t really done much research on it. Will read up more on it. Thanks!
Thank you for reading my blog, Yvonne! Happy reading!
How do you use Montessori and complement it with Shichida at birth of baby?
Hi Liyi, for newborn baby, right brain education (such as Shichida) consists of;
– showering him with love and touch
– showing him how to relax and breathe
– flashing beautiful picture cards and saying the names out
– reading and speed reading
– playing senses & memory games, etc.
Montessori means:
I use a lot of Montessori concepts such as a freedom of movement and choice when carrying out the right brain activities.
I also offer Montessori activities to let the child develop all his senses well.
For more details, you may explore my workshops at Owlissimo
All the best!
hi mom, thanks for sharing..i want to ask you, for hundred and thousand cube what size of paper you use to make the DIY?thank you for your helped
Hi Nurafni, I printed on A4 paper. All the best!