Books for Parents

These are the books that I have read and found useful in my teaching and learning journey.

Mathematics Education

A modern book by a renowned Stanford professor and a classic on mathematics education:

Special Needs – Giftedness & Special Needs

Special Needs – Sensitivities

Special Needs – Dyslexia

This book helps me to understand the dyslexic brain and its amazing abilities:


Raising Girls

Girls today, especially in high-achieving communities, face impossibly high expectations. This is an excellent resource for parents:

Social Skills


Behaviour & Discipline

As a logical and analytical person, I like this book:

This book on discipline is not for every family. There are some paragraphs in the book that I do not fully agree with. However, the blocks/tickets system has worked well for handling my three active boys who can be up to a lot of danger and mischief at home and in school.


Music – Suzuki Violin

This book explains the Suzuki violin method and ways to carry out home music practice:


On the Lighter Side

Novel – Autism

These books have given me great laughter during my roller-coaster parenting journey:

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Updated on 4 September 2024

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