Research has found that preschoolers’ ability to spot mathematical patterns can predict mathematical achievement at a later age, more than other math and non-math skills. (Rittle-Johnson et. al, 2016)
Recently, El (5y11m) enjoys solving math puzzles. We use the same gorgeous Casco books that the older kids have used before. The kids write their solutions in an exercise book so that the Casco books can be reused over multiple children.
Trying to find all possible solutions Our well-loved books Publisher details
Depending on the question, I also provide appropriate manipulatives such as counters, number tiles or sticks for the child to work with.
Me 👩🏻: Why do you enjoy doing this so much?
El 👦🏻: Because it’s like play!
Joyful learning + setting a strong foundation in math
—> the best of both worlds
Have fun with math patterning!
~ MieVee
P.S. We got the Casco books from a Popular bookstore (Bras Basah, Singapore) several years ago. You may check the availability with Casco here or at a bookstore near you.