Craft: Petronas Twin Towers 3D Puzzle

Yesterday, I lost my voice due to a sore throat and cough, so we had “special” lesson time. Since Vee wanted to do puzzles (again?!?), I dug out the new 3D puzzle that we bought many months back. He was soooo excited because he loves the Petronas Twin Towers!

Spent nearly 2 hours fixing it with some of Vee’s help… Taa daa…

3D Puzzle Petronas Twin Towers

It’s beautiful…

Lessons covered:

  • Numbers: match the number on the instruction booklet to the number on the foam puzzle piece
  • Fine motor skills: fold foam puzzle piece along the fold-line
  • Learn to watch while I work
  • Learn that it takes a lot of effort to complete this masterpiece

All thanks to the lost voice, we finally get to complete our first 3D puzzle.

This is what the box looks like:

3D Puzzle Petronas Twin Towers box

Price: RM80, bought at the jigsaw puzzle shop at Tropicana Mall (Kuala Lumpur)

Next, we’re going to shop for the Eiffel Tower 3D puzzle!

Sharing time: Are you a fan of puzzles too? Share your favorite puzzles in the comment box below.

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    5 thoughts on “Craft: Petronas Twin Towers 3D Puzzle”

    1. You may get 3-D Chocolate Factory model at Bookxcess Amcorp Mall, now is selling at RM19.90, a big reduction.

      1. mievee @

        Wow, RM19.90 is very low! I’m a member of Bookecess too.
        Remember you mention buying in Thailand. Any idea where’s the shop?

    2. Congratulations on your new blog, MieVee! This blog is amazing and really good sharing for all moms out there, whether homeschooling or not. I want a mom like YOU too, hehe! Keep it up 🙂

      1. mievee @

        Hi Joey, thank you for being so supportive! Erm… on my off days when I start throwing temper and screaming, I think the kids prob find me a monster. Haha!

    3. Pingback: math | 3D puzzle

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