Is your child diligently washing hands with soap after every toilet visit and before every meal?
If not, high five!!!
You may download your free printable posters now.
>>> Poster – Wash hands with soap (English) (PDF, 240KB)
>>> Poster – Wash hands with soap (Chinese) (PDF, 240KB)
>>> Poster – Wash hands with soap (Bahasa Melayu) (PDF, 240KB)
Wash Your Hands Frequently
This is WHO’s number one advice for protection against the new coronavirus:
Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.
– World Health Organisation
As part of our hygiene practice, I’ve been reminding the kids to wash their hands with soap.
Multiply the reminders by 3, and I’ve got to repeat the same message like 50 times a day.
Ever since the Covid-19 outbreak, I’ve had to remind them even louder to WASH HANDS WITH SOAP.
Obviously, being louder isn’t nice for the family atmosphere.
Nor is it nice to the neighbours.
Besides children, many adults are also not washing hands with soap after using the bathroom.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. quoted a 2009 study that “only 31% of men and 65% of women washed their hands after using a public restroom”.
The usual handwashing posters I see are filled with steps, pictures and words on the right techniques. I wonder who reads them?
As an educator, I know that my kids will definitely ignore them.
So I’ve designed a set of simple posters for you to stick right above the toilet area.

Big, clear picture.
Big, clear words.
One simple message.
Designed according to Montessori and Accelerated Learning standards.
Young children can learn practical life and reading at the same time.
The posters come in three languages — English, Chinese and Bahasa Melayu.
Each set comes in three options, so you may choose based on your printer.
You may download your free printable posters below:
>>> Poster – Wash hands with soap (English) (PDF, 240KB)
>>> Poster – Wash hands with soap (Chinese) (PDF, 240KB)
>>> Poster – Wash hands with soap (Bahasa Melayu) (PDF, 240KB)
Stay healthy!
~ Carol
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